5 Rules for Managing a PR Firm and Potential Red Flags

5 Rules for Managing a PR Firm and Potential Red Flags

The early days of a relationship with a new public relations (PR) firm set the stage for overall success. This period is when the client (you) and firm (maybe us) form the relationship that creates the collaborative systems used to establish success. 

You may need to manage your PR firm more directly during this introductory period, but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything is wrong. After all, building something new takes much more time and attention than regular maintenance. But you should also maintain some level of ongoing management to protect your investment. 

Here are five rules you should follow when managing a new PR partner, along with potential red fags. 


Five Rules to Follow With a New PR Partner

Most experienced PR firms follow an established process when interacting with their clients, and you’ll benefit by following their process whenever possible. However, clients can take actions within any approach that will foster success.

1. Monitor their Reporting System

As a client, you should always have a solid understanding of what’s happening with your PR. This process typically includes a few key elements:

  • An Established PR Plan: Your firm should provide a plan outlining its outreach work over a set period. This plan should be detailed yet flexible enough to take advantage of unexpected opportunities.
  • Regular Reports: You should have easy access to a report listing the status of outlined deliverables. Our firm employs a shared document with live links to keep coverage details in a single location.
  • Frequent Meetings: Establish a regular meeting schedule (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) that includes a clear agenda for reviewing coverage, outlining needs, and answering questions from both sides. Prioritize this meeting as a critical component of the process. 

By building a robust reporting system, you’ll establish an efficient and effective framework for collaborative work.


2. Learn Their Cadence

Most PR firms work on a cadence, which they often peg to the overarching PR plan. As a client, learning this cadence and planning associated needs into your schedule will help support your firm’s work. However, the reality is that clients often struggle to keep up with PR firms because we work fast and independently. So as you’re establishing deliverables, think carefully about how much you can realistically contribute to the process. How many interviews can you participate in each month? How many blog posts can you review? Working effectively within your realistic limits will help your PR partners much more than constantly lagging behind an over-optimistic outreach plan. 


3. Answer Their Questions

PR’s job is to serve the client, not the other way around. However, you must be diligent about listening to your firm’s needs and providing what’s needed. This dynamic is essential in the beginning stages of the relationship when the firm is still learning about you and your work. Answering questions promptly is also critical when unexpected coverage opportunities arise. If your firm can’t get needed information, it won’t be able to meet the often aggressive deadlines the media faces. One effective solution is to create a method for flagging critical requests or grading requests by level of importance.  


4. Stay Engaged

As time passes, your firm has likely proved itself, and you’ll trust that they’re doing the job. At this point, many clients become disengaged from the process and start missing meetings, and don’t deliver requested items. It takes diligence to stay involved when everything seems to be going smoothly, but engaging with your PR firm and telling them about new developments is the key to maintaining the best possible results over the long term.  


5. Find a Balance

Occasionally, clients swing the other way and become heavily involved in PR to the point of micromanaging the process. Find a balance between being overbearing and becoming disengaged to avoid hindering progress. It’s important to remember that you hired your PR firm because they are the experts in their field, and giving them the space they need to work effectively is the best path toward success.

Watch for These Potential Red Flags

Of course, not every relationship succeeds. There are several red flags that clients should watch for to determine whether they need to increase their level of engagement or find a new PR partner. They include:

  • You don’t know what they’re doing. Your PR partner should have a plan that directs their ongoing efforts, and they should report those results to you regularly. If you’re being kept in the dark, it’s time to get more involved. 
  • There’s no pattern or routine to their work. These days, PR is about so much more than obtaining press coverage. So there should always be some valuable task to do. If your firm’s work is scattershot or unpredictable, it could be a sign they’re operating without a plan.
  • You’re coming up with all the new ideas. We always want active and engaged partners. However, PR teams should lead the initiatives with new ideas informed by their expertise. If you’re the one who’s always setting the agenda, it may be time to make a change. 
  • You don’t see results. If your PR firm isn’t delivering results, that’s a clear red flag. However, you’ll only be able to determine this by establishing critical benchmarks early in your engagement. Otherwise, it will be impossible to understand if your efforts are moving the needle.  

Perhaps most importantly, your PR partner should be transparent about their process. Not every firm will go as far as sharing their media lists (Veracity does), but effective partners will be crystal clear about the methods they use for obtaining coverage. If you feel your PR firm is being sneaky or less than transparent, it’s a big red flag you should continue watching. 


An Ongoing Balancing Act

Managing your PR firm is an ongoing balancing act. On one side of the pendulum is your desire to protect your investment by seeing tangible results. On the other side is giving your firm the perfect amount of space to operate, so they feel supported and not micromanaged. Working effectively amidst this tension depends on staying engaged within a mutually beneficial system both sides create together. The partnerships that manage that process most effectively are always the most successful.  


This Process Starts Immediately

Before hiring your next PR partner, take some time to establish your goals and take a pulse of your ability to stay involved. Once you’ve established those details, ask potential partners about their processes, particularly how they communicate on an ongoing basis. When you find someone that best fits those needs, you’re a step closer to creating a productive relationship that could last for years to come.  

Reigniting Diversity Equity and Inclusion Efforts with Neil Foote [Podcast]

Reigniting Diversity Equity and Inclusion Efforts with Neil Foote [Podcast]

In this week’s episode of PR Talk, Amy speaks with Neil Foote, President and CEO of Foote Communications and president of the National Black Public Relations Society. The two dive into his insights on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and reigniting the George Floyd Moment, the return on investment (ROI) of DEI and ways everyone can take part.

The precursor to this conversation was what Neil wrote in a 2023 PR predictions blog post for Muck Rack:

“In 2023, we must reignite the George Floyd Moment. Many companies issued statements and hired or promoted people to lead their diversity efforts. Over the past two years, the flurry of activity has begun to wane. The well-intentioned comments and initiatives have led to only minimal gains. 

The new year will require an intense, renewed effort of PR executives and all organizations advocating for DEI to push for not only greater accountability, but real, measurable and impactful actions: hiring, retaining and promoting diverse professionals,” Neil wrote.

Addressing the Elephant in the Room

Just a couple of years after many companies made statements about increasing DEI efforts, the data reveals a noticeable shortfall. Much of these well-intentioned efforts are getting lost in new workplace trends, budget cuts and many other global issues. The problem is that DEI is not a fleeting trend, but rather an indispensable strategic tool that businesses must embrace to ensure long-term sustainability.


Integrating DEI Efforts for ROI

Despite the growing recognition of DEI as a critical priority for businesses, many companies are still implementing one-off initiatives. However, as Neil points out, for DEI to create a meaningful impact, it must be integrated throughout every facet of a business — from HR and marketing to PR and leadership — just like any other strategic business plan. By committing to DEI efforts, companies can generate a return on investment that is truly significant.


Accountability is on Everyone

Collaborating with everyone involved in DEI efforts is a crucial step towards progress. Company leaders are making the decisions, but it is the collective responsibility of everyone to continuously urge their companies towards action. It is also important that companies who have made commitments follow through and deliver tangible results.

Tune in to hear more actionable steps for individuals to incorporate and examples discussed during the interview!

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About the Guest: Neil Foote 

Neil Foote is an entrepreneurial media executive, author and educator with experience in journalism, public relations, marketing, branding, education, publishing, radio and the internet. He is a principal lecturer at the Mayborn School of Journalism at the University of North Texas and the president and CEO of Foote Communications, a full service integrated public relations marketing and communications-consulting firm based in Dallas. 

Neil is the president of the National Black Public Relations Society, Inc., the former board chair of the National Kidney Foundation serving North Texas, board secretary for Forefront Living, and a Life Trustee for The Lamplighter School.

Neil Foote profile

PR Talk is part of the Marketing Podcast Network

The Marketing Podcast Network gives brands that sell to marketers direct access to reach thousands of buyers via their trusted media source: Marketing podcasts. Browse our library of shows and see where your message can be placed to reach prospective customers ripe for your message.


This episode of PR Talk is brought to you by PRSA Oregon

Throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington, PRSA provides members with networking, mentorship, skill building and professional development opportunities – whether you are a new professional fresh out of college or a skilled expert with 20 years in the industry. Check out PRSAoregon.org for more information on how membership can help you grow and connect.

Where’s the Culture – Marketing Connection? Right Here with Emmy Thomas [Podcast]

Where’s the Culture – Marketing Connection? Right Here with Emmy Thomas [Podcast]

Joining Amy on today’s PR Talk Podcast is Emmy Thomas, VP of Brand and Marketing at Logical Position (LP), an award-winning digital marketing agency. During this episode, the two tackle the topic of connecting company culture and marketing.

Making the Culture and Marketing Connection

Emmy’s career trajectory clearly illustrates the connection between company culture and marketing. Working on the sales team when she first started at LP, Emmy transitioned to recruiting and then into marketing to her current position as vice president of brand and marketing. In that journey, she was able to see the company from both the customer and employee sides and began to understand the critical connection between company culture and marketing. Now, as she works to create a cohesive brand, Emmy starts by ensuring that LP’s internal culture empowers employees to be positive company megaphones.


How to Build a Strong Company Culture

In her recruiting role, Emmy learned about the value of employee experience.

“Happy employees that feel heard and respected can increase the odds of happy clients,” said Emmy. “When employees have a personal and deep investment in the company and its mission, they become a ‘megaphone’ and influential voice, externally. It’s not just leaders saying how great the company is; it’s everyone.”

To do that, LP builds an employee-focused culture through its company newsletters, virtual events and inclusive meetings that engage the entire organization. In addition, LP regularly uses internal surveys to gauge employee morale and gain opinions from staff to make continuous improvements enterprise-wide.


The Return on Investment

A working culture with empowered employees translates to powerful external marketing in which employee-client success stories can be shared. Stories such as these help external audiences make true connections with LP, building positivity, credibility, new client leads and current client retention.

And, at a time when The Great Resignation is causing employees and applicants to desire more than “just a job,” a positive company culture enhances recruiting, particularly through employee referrals.


Ways to Step Up Your Culture Game 

Emmy believes that if you work on culture first, the marketing will more easily fall into place. However, with many employees now having the option to work from home, it can be difficult to ensure their voices are heard and staff is engaged. LP has addressed this by providing department managers with tools, budgets and ideas for team building that adapt to remote workers.

When asked how companies can emulate this with minimal to no budget, Emmy offered the following tips:

  • Give employees a voice, then listen and respect it.
  • Implement surveys to implement organizational improvements.
  • Prioritize work-life balance.

Amy ended by asking Emmy about her personal mission statement. “I want to be sure that employees are proud that they work at LP. If they are proud of what we do, they’ll be more likely to promote the company organically.”

Listen now to learn more about different ways to create a positive company culture and effectively reflect it in your organization’s brand; plus what an applicant can discover about a company’s culture by observing its marketing.

Don’t Miss an Episode

You can access more great episodes by subscribing to the PR Talk podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, iHeart Radio and Spotify.

About the guest: Emmy Thomas

Emmy is the vice president of brand and marketing at Logical Position, a 2021 Inc. Best Workplace (also named Inc.’s 2017 #3 Best Workplace), Oregonian Top Workplace, and Oregon Business 100 Best Company. In her role, Emmy ensures the company’s mission and values are represented throughout the LP brand with a consistent vision and voice across all internal and external channels. Alongside the Marketing and Employee Experience teams, she works to deliver on Logical Position’s company goal of increased revenue, efficiency, and employee satisfaction.  

Connect and follow Emmy on social media:

Emmy Thomas on PR Talk

PR Talk is part of the Marketing Podcast Network

The Marketing Podcast Network gives brands that sell to marketers direct access to reach thousands of buyers via their trusted media source: Marketing podcasts. Browse our library of shows and see where your message can be placed to reach prospective customers ripe for your message.


This episode of PR Talk is brought to you by PRSA Oregon

Throughout Oregon and Southwest Washington, PRSA provides members with networking, mentorship, skill building and professional development opportunities – whether you are a new professional fresh out of college or a skilled expert with 20 years in the industry. Check out PRSAoregon.org for more information on how membership can help you grow and connect.