One True Sentence.

My client signed off with “good luck writing that” after he had detailed a complicated jazz sequence that I needed to translate into plain English for a real estate marketing campaign of all things! As I mustered up the strength to put pen to paper I gained encouragement from Earnest Hemingway’s prose in “A Moveable Feast.”

Hemingway wrote: “All you have to do is write one true sentence…* Write the truest sentence that you know…It was easy then because there was always one true sentence…”

A Moveable FeastThe story of “A Moveable Feast” brought us the inspiration for our new company name: Veracity.

Veracity means honesty, integrity, credibility. These words hold strong meaning to us. Not only is honest and true writing important—the word credible speaks volumes. Our work must be viewed as credible to our clients and the public.

And we personally hold veracity. We are the first firm to tell you that you don’t need our services if we believe that you don’t. We follow through on our promises. And we admit that we are a nimble marketing firm with just a few people. What this means is that our clients have our full attention.

Welcome to Veracity. Where a mixture of creative luck and steadfast tenacity is backboned by the truth**.

*Multiple periods mean that sentences have been removed from the original work for brevity.

**Next month we will explore how themes of luck and discipline found in “A Moveable Feast” can relate to the making of a marketing business.

One True Sentence


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Amy Rosenberg
Founder and President at Veracity
Writer. Podcaster. Press Friend. Hand Holder.